Following Father Paul's retirement on 31st December 2022, we have a new schedule
of services and events at both St Peter's Belsize Park and St Saviour Chalk Farm.
Sunday Eucharist continues to be at 10:30am, alternating between the churches
as before, with visiting priests presiding.
The afternoon Eucharists are replaced by Evening Prayer at both churches,
and a service of Taizé worship at St Saviour on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Sunday 8th September: Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity:
The Eucharist will be at St Peter's at 10:30am
with the Revd Claire Wilson as celebrant and preacher.
Evening Prayer will be said at St Saviour at 4:30pm.
Midweek opening for individual prayer will be reduced; at the moment we expect
to be able to open on Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00 to 5:00pm at St Saviour.
St Peter's will still have Evening Prayer at 5:00pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
We have Morning Prayer on Thursdays at 10:30am at St Peter's.
There will be some variations from one week to the next; see our Weekly Bulletin
for up-to-date information.